Tips for Selecting a College

How Do I Select a College?

Start collecting information about the colleges that interest you.  Match your interests and abilities to schools that offer programs in those areas.  Talk with your counselor, teachers, family and friends.  Decide what will be best for you.  When you go to the college fair, talk to the college representatives.  You can call or write to colleges for their catalogs, or look at colleges online.  Go to for college and career planning.

Your counselor can:

  • Help you plan your studies and select the best college-prep courses.
  • Show you information on career and college choices.
  • Provide you with dates for college entrance exams.
  • Advise you on college admissions and financial aid applications.

Your family and friends can:

  • Tell you about colleges they know.
  • Support your efforts in your high school studies.
  • Help you plan to pay for college.
  • Provide you with the necessary financial information to complete aid applications.
  • Visit colleges with you.
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